Thursday, July 19, 2007

Seen at last, seen at last...!!!

I FINALLY saw the new Harry Potter movie last night! It's been over a week of trying to get tickets. Going to the movies in the Netherlands is a distinctly particular experience, in so much as they assign seats and take reservations for movies. And seeing as how there are only 2 theatres in Amsterdam proper that show major motion pictures of this sort, the Harry Potter showings have been reserved solid for the last week. Until last night .... Ahhh, Harry, how I love thee ....

But we're not here to talk about Harry Potter, really. We're here to talk about Amsterdam. So I'll tell you about the theater where we went. It's called the Tuschinski, and though it's part of the major Dutch theater chain Pathe, it's an Art Deco masterpiece that opened in 1921. There's a bit of a legend that Tuschinski built it in honor of his wife, but that appears to be the most fanciful of local lore, since none of the history books mentions it and since Tuschinski had already built several theaters down the road in Rotterdam before braving the cinematic tastes in Amsterdam.

"Built in 1921, the Theater Tuschinski's interior contains five different types of marbles, and six varieties of wood in the wainscoting alone. Elaborate murals, curls of wrought iron, colored lights and gaudy carpets jostle for attention. It is like being trapped in a giant kaleidoscope." - The Telegraph, Nov. 2006

The main theater doubles as a stage and comes complete with original ceiling tiling, lighting fixtures, and "love seats" in the back where - for 25 Euros - you can see the movie in a private little settee and be served champaign and hors d'oeuvres.

Though the picture above is a little too bright, once the lights go down you can't possibly imagine a better setting to see the film. It was almost like being in a wing of Hogwart's. Now, for those of you who don't la-la-love the HP in this way probably won't understand. But for those of you who do.... the evening was truly magical.

Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me, so the photos above are courtesy of the interwebs. But I'll be going back and will upload some originals when I get the chance.



Kwaku said...

This is very similar to Magic Johnson Theater on 125th street. (I'm feeling the music!)

Christie Quinn said...

Totally jealous you saw HP in this theatre. It looks very magical.
Have you read the last book yet?